The Center for Education Recruitment, Retention and Advancement (CERRA) was delighted to hold its annual sophomore conference for Teaching Fellows at R.B. Stall High School on Saturday, March 25, 2017.
The sophomore conference is held each year for the sophomore Teaching Fellows attending one of twelve Teaching Fellows Institutions across the state.
This year's pre-conference for networking was held on Friday, March 24th at the South Carolina Aquarium. Fellows had an opportunity to get to know one another, network over dinner and enjoy a self-guided tour of the Aquarium.
On Saturday, over 20 highly qualified educators from across the state provided 42 sessions of focused professional development covering topics related to Diversity, Advocacy and Leadership. This year's emphasis was on Stephen Covey's Seven Habits for Highly Effective People and featured Mr. Connley Skeen, Senior Consultant with Franklin Covey and friend of CERRA, as the keynote speaker. Students finished the day with an "unconference" in which they submitted their own ideas for topics they wanted to discuss. These student-led sessions were a great opportunity for students to discuss current trends and topics they were most interested in.
CERRA is extremely grateful to R.B. Stall High School, Mr. James Farrakhan, Mr. Tawayne Weems and the Charleston County School district for hosting this momentous event. A special thank you to the teachers at Stall who so graciously allowed CERRA to use their classrooms and to the staff at Stall who provided tremendous assistance to ensure the success of the conference.
The sophomore conference is held each year for the sophomore Teaching Fellows attending one of twelve Teaching Fellows Institutions across the state.
This year's pre-conference for networking was held on Friday, March 24th at the South Carolina Aquarium. Fellows had an opportunity to get to know one another, network over dinner and enjoy a self-guided tour of the Aquarium.
On Saturday, over 20 highly qualified educators from across the state provided 42 sessions of focused professional development covering topics related to Diversity, Advocacy and Leadership. This year's emphasis was on Stephen Covey's Seven Habits for Highly Effective People and featured Mr. Connley Skeen, Senior Consultant with Franklin Covey and friend of CERRA, as the keynote speaker. Students finished the day with an "unconference" in which they submitted their own ideas for topics they wanted to discuss. These student-led sessions were a great opportunity for students to discuss current trends and topics they were most interested in.
CERRA is extremely grateful to R.B. Stall High School, Mr. James Farrakhan, Mr. Tawayne Weems and the Charleston County School district for hosting this momentous event. A special thank you to the teachers at Stall who so graciously allowed CERRA to use their classrooms and to the staff at Stall who provided tremendous assistance to ensure the success of the conference.