South Carolina National Board Network
The SC National Board Network functions independent of CERRA and this webpage is included on the CERRA website as a service to National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs).
The mission of the South Carolina National Board Network (SCNBN) is to advocate for the National Board Program and to recruit and support candidates in order to enhance student learning and to advance education throughout our state and nation.
Membership is open to anyone who has achieved National Board Certification, regardless of whether or not that certification is still current. You do not have to be a current classroom teacher to join.
Membership costs a mere $30 annually. Members of SCNBN, are offered opportunities for collaboration, advocacy, and leadership around National Board Certification. The Network also offers free National Board Renewal sessions.
The mission of the South Carolina National Board Network (SCNBN) is to advocate for the National Board Program and to recruit and support candidates in order to enhance student learning and to advance education throughout our state and nation.
Membership is open to anyone who has achieved National Board Certification, regardless of whether or not that certification is still current. You do not have to be a current classroom teacher to join.
Membership costs a mere $30 annually. Members of SCNBN, are offered opportunities for collaboration, advocacy, and leadership around National Board Certification. The Network also offers free National Board Renewal sessions.
South Carolina National Board Network Workshops
South Carolina National Board Network Workshop: The SC National Board Network (SCNBN) is pleased to offer free National Board Renewal Workshops. These sessions are designed for NBCTs completing their 7th or 8th year of certification. The workshops will focus on the renewal process including timelines for registration, entry completion and submission, and the current legislation governing renewal.
Monday, October 24th
4:15 -- 5:15 National Board Awareness
5:45 -- 6:45 Preparing for Component One
7:15 -- 8:15 Analyzing National Board Standards
Tuesday, October 25th
4:15 -- 5:15 Support for Component Two
5:45 -- 6:45 Support for Component Three
7:15 -- 8:15 Formative Assessments
Wednesday, October 26th
4:30 -- 5:30 Support for Component Four
6:00 -- 7:30 Open office hours (NBCTs available to answer your questions)
4:15 -- 5:15 National Board Awareness
5:45 -- 6:45 Preparing for Component One
7:15 -- 8:15 Analyzing National Board Standards
Tuesday, October 25th
4:15 -- 5:15 Support for Component Two
5:45 -- 6:45 Support for Component Three
7:15 -- 8:15 Formative Assessments
Wednesday, October 26th
4:30 -- 5:30 Support for Component Four
6:00 -- 7:30 Open office hours (NBCTs available to answer your questions)