Earlier today, National Board candidates received a communication from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards regarding their response to the Covid-19 pandemic. They realize this a fluid situation and will make another announcement on March 30th, but the following guidelines are now in place for initial and renewal candidates. This is taken directly from their correspondence.
- If you have completed components and are ready to submit during the upcoming submission window, your candidacy will continue this year. We will open the submission window as planned on April 1st. We will receive, process, and score your material.
- If you are scheduled to complete Component 1: Content Knowledge, monitor your emails from Pearson VUE for updates regarding your scheduled appointment. We are closely monitoring national and regional impacts on testing centers and assessing the potential to extend the testing deadline, currently scheduled for June 15th, or to provide other solutions.
- If you are in the process of completing components, know we are planning to extend the submission deadline for portfolio material. We are still in the process of establishing the revised deadline beyond the currently scheduled deadline of May 13. This extension would apply to all portfolio materials submitted online:
- Component 2: Differentiation in Instruction
- Component 3: Teaching Practice and Learning Environment
- Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner
- Renewal: Profile of Professional Growth
- If you are a current candidate and can no longer complete your component(s) or candidacy this year, know we are in the process of developing solutions for your circumstance. As soon as possible, we will provide further direction on what action you need to take.