Rural Recruitment Initiative
CERRA was charged with the responsibility to develop and administer an incentive program to recruit and retain classroom-based teachers in rural and underserved districts. District eligibility for the Rural Recruitment Initiative is determined annually and includes those districts that experienced greater than 11% average annual teacher turnover, as reported on the district’s five most recent State Report Cards, and that are not one of the 15 wealthiest districts, based on the index of taxpaying ability. For the purpose of the RRI, assistant teachers, media specialists, reading coaches, school counselors, and speech-language pathologists are not considered classroom-based teachers.
Based on the above-described formula, the following districts are eligible to participate in the Rural Recruitment Initiative during FY24: Abbeville, Allendale, Anderson 2, Anderson 3, Anderson 4, Anderson 5, Bamberg, Barnwell, Barnwell 45, Chester, Clarendon, Colleton, Darlington, Dorchester 4, Fairfield, Florence 1, Florence 3, Greenwood 50, Greenwood 51, Greenwood 52, Hampton, Jasper, Lancaster, Laurens 55, Laurens 56, Lee, Lexington 2, Lexington 3, Lexington 4, Marion, Marlboro, McCormick, Newberry, Orangeburg, Saluda, Spartanburg 3, Spartanburg 7, Sumter, Union, Williamsburg, York 1, or York 4.
District superintendents may request RRI funds for recruitment and retention initiatives that fall into one or more of the following categories:
Alternative Certification Fees
Bridge Program Partnerships
Certification Examination Support
Critical Needs Salary Stipends
First Year Teacher Salary Stipends
Graduate Coursework
District Supported Housing Purchases/Renovations
International Visiting Teacher Fees
Mentoring and Induction Support
National Employment System Fees
Professional Development
Recruitment Expenses
Teacher Cadet Start-Up Costs
Travel Stipends for Commuters
Website Upgrades
Rural District Undergraduate Loan Forgiveness Program
As a part of the Rural Recruitment Initiative, CERRA was also tasked with facilitating a Rural District Undergraduate Loan Forgiveness Program (Program). The Program is intended to encourage classroom-based teachers to seek and maintain employment within the Rural Recruitment Initiative districts. Under the Program, eligible classroom teachers may apply for up to $5,000 per year to be applied to the balance on any undergraduate loan for which no other loan forgiveness options apply. Assistant teachers, media specialists, reading coaches, school counselors, and speech-language pathologists are not eligible for forgiveness through the Program.
Application Window: June 17, 2024 and August 9, 2024
Please note the following information related to submitting your application:
Applications in envelopes should be mailed to CERRA at the following address:
Winthrop University
Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement (CERRA)
Attn: Rural District Undergraduate Loan Forgiveness Program
2020 Alumni Drive Rock Hill, SC 29733
Applications in boxes or shipped with FedEx or UPS should be mailed to the following address:
Winthrop University
Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement (CERRA)
Attn: Rural District Undergraduate Loan Forgiveness Program (Withers 116 or 402)
349 Columbia Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29733
If you plan to hand deliver your application, please contact us via email at Email Loan Forgiveness to make arrangements to drop off your information.
Applications and all required documentation, including a complete W-9 form, must be submitted in one envelope. Emailed applications, loan documentation, and/or W-9 forms will not be considered. CERRA is not responsible for lost or misdirected mail.
General Questions
Click on the following headers for additional information on each topic.
Teaching Position Questions
Click on the following statements to reveal the answers to frequently asked questions.
Loan Questions
Click on the following statements to reveal the answers to frequently asked questions.
Decision and Payment Questions
Click on the following statements to reveal the answers to frequently asked questions.