Resources for Mentor Trainers
Are you conducting a SC Mentor Training?
South Carolina Mentor Training Participant Handbooks can be ordered using the link below. Please allow ample time for us to print and ship the books. Contact Suzanne Koty, Program Director at suzanne@cerra.org, if you have questions about the use of materials.
Participant Handbook Order Form
Handbooks are $28.00 each (includes standard shipping). Please order handbooks at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled training. Handbooks ordered less than two weeks in advance may need to be picked up from the CERRA office.
At the conclusion of training, please send the Excel spreadsheet with the participant names and certificate numbers to Jan Patterson at pattersonj@cerra.org.
Jan will create certificates of completion for the participants and will email these documents to the trainer(s).
All supplemental training materials can be found on the Mentor Trainer Hub.
Trainers should remember to request access to the presentations in advance and check the formatting after downloading the slide deck. Additionally, ensure that you selected online or in-person presentations as appropriate for your upcoming training.
Each district has one sign-in for ATLAS; please check with your Mentor & Induction Coordinator.